Commit to Connect: How You Can Join This Initiative in Fighting Social Isolation and Loneliness
In this blog post, Commit to Connect spotlights its work and how you can become part of the initiative to combat social isolation and loneliness today!
What is Commit to Connect
Established by the Administration for Community Living, Commit to Connect is a cross-sector initiative to address the public health impact of social isolation and loneliness in older adults, people with disabilities and caregivers. USAging is excited to take the helm as the Commit to Connect Coordinating Center (USAging also administers engAGED) as the initiative enters its second year.
Commit to Connect is fostering a Nationwide Network of Champions at the local, state and national levels who are committed to addressing social isolation and loneliness. This collaboration of champions aims to strengthen the network of partners focused on connecting people living with isolation with programs and resources to build the social connections they need to thrive. The Champions join together through technical assistance, learning opportunities and a networking platform that enables them to engage with others across the country.
The Nationwide Network of Champions
So who are these Champions and why should you join the Nationwide Network? Commit to Connect Champions are passionate leaders and innovators dedicated to ending social isolation and loneliness. This network of peers supports collaboration through shared learning and open communication across sectors and perspectives.
As a part of this network, members engage and are supported by a collaborative network of their peers via an online networking hub where they will stay informed on the latest research, tools and public awareness efforts from Commit to Connect. Learn more about becoming a champion!
Other Resources Offered by Commit to Connect
Along with the Nationwide Network of Champions, Commit to Connect aims to support the work of those in the aging and disability networks through several avenues described below.
Access free resources including an ‘Assess Your Risk’ tool and other recent research on isolation and loneliness on the Commit to Connect website. Be sure to subscribe to the free monthly newsletter to keep up-to-date with opportunities to engage with Commit to Connect!
Participate in a Commit to Connect Community of Practice (COP) to join with other leaders with shared interests. The first COP will focus on fostering intergenerational programs and will run from August through November 2022. Future COPs will vary in topics from dementia to volunteerism through a social engagement lens.
Check out the recordings from the August 2-3 joint engAGED and Commit to Connect Virtual Social Engagement Summit for insights from experts across the aging and disability networks.
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