engAGED Community Awareness Toolkit
engAGED developed the Community Awareness Toolkit to assist the Aging Network and partner organizations with increasing community awareness of the importance of social engagement—and to support organizations as they work to address it. Materials in the Toolkit explain the impact of social isolation, describe ways to increase social engagement and explain the benefits of social engagement for older adults—and their communities. To help organizations share the resources included in the Toolkit, we have ensured that they can be customized with your organization’s logo!
Watch this video to learn more about each Toolkit component and read on for ideas on how your organization can use the materials within your organization.
Consumer Brochure
Tips for Growing Your Social Connections highlights the benefits of remaining socially engaged, including benefits to the community, and how older adults can engage in their communities. Organizations can share the brochure with consumers and use the UCLA Three-Item Loneliness Scale quiz as a starting point to discuss social isolation and social engagement opportunities.
Social Engagement Benefits for Older Adults and the Community highlights ways social engagement benefits older adults and the community. Ways Older Adults Can Get—and Remain—Socially Engaged highlights examples of social engagement activities that organizations offer to engage older adults. Organizations can include these infographics in packets given to consumers, distribute them in community locations such as libraries or local businesses, or share them with partners.
Fact Sheets
Talking Points on Social Engagement for the Aging Network makes the case for the importance of offering social engagement opportunities. Organizations can share this fact sheet with current and potential partners when discussing developing social engagement opportunities. Organizations can also use information and statistics from this fact sheet when preparing proposals to secure funding for programs. Five Steps for your Organization to Increase Social Engagement offers organizations tips to reduce social isolation through social engagement opportunities. Use this fact sheet to start conversations internally with staff or externally with current or potential partners on enhancing, expanding and developing social engagement programs and activities.
PowerPoint Presentation
This PowerPoint presentation offers ready-to-use slides on social isolation, loneliness and social engagement as well as placeholder slides where organizations can insert organization-specific information. Organizations can use this slide deck when presenting on social engagement to partners, funders or members of the community.
This calendar of social engagement opportunities offers ideas to promote social engagement when celebrating observances and holidays throughout the year. Organizations can use the calendar for inspiration when planning virtual or in-person events, encouraging participation in activities or developing messaging to raise awareness around the value of staying active and engaged.
Newsletter and Social Media Language
This document contains sample newsletter and social media language to connect consumers to social engagement opportunities. Offered as a Word document, organizations can customize and include this grab-and-go language in electronic or printed newsletters and social media posts to raise awareness of the importance of social engagement and connect consumers to local programs and activities.
UCLA Three-Item Loneliness Scale
This handout includes tips on how to use UCLA Three-Item Loneliness Scale, the scale questions and information on other social isolation and loneliness measurement tools. Use this as a screening tool and then start discussions with consumers on how they can become more engaged. This scale can also be used to measure the impact of social engagement programs on loneliness.
Photo Compilation
This document contains free images for organizations to use on social media and in newsletters to depict social engagement. The Word document provides organizations with a link to download each image, possible alt text and additional information on the images.