The resources listed below are aimed at organizations serving older adults, people with disabilities and caregivers and provide a variety of social engagement innovations, guidance and tools.
How to Age Well Through Arts & Creativity: Vitality Arts (Next Avenue)
National Center for Creative Aging Creative Caregiving Guide (Opening Minds Through Art)
Creative Engagement: Successful Approaches to Creatively Engage with Older Adults (engAGED)
Successful Programs, Activities and Approaches for Arts and Creative Engagement: Takeaways from the December engAGED Webinar and Webinar Recording (engAGED)
Aging with Pain Series for Older Adults and Caregivers (Arts for the Aging and AI-PAMI at the University of Florida College of Medicine – Jacksonville)
Getting Creative Through Arts Programs During COVID-19 and Beyond (USAging)
Aging UnLonely (The Foundation for Art and Healing)
Caregiving in the U.S. 2020 (National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP)
The “Typical” Feeling Alone Caregiver (National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP)
Impact of Loneliness & Social Isolation on Caregiver Well-Being (Saint Louis University)
Memory Café Toolkit (JF&CS)
Timeslips Creativity Center (Timeslips)
Giving Voice Chorus Toolkit (Giving Voice)
MoMA Alzheimer’s Project (MoMA)
Directory of Dementia Friendly Community Initiatives (Dementia Friendly America)
Serving People Living with Dementia: Takeaways from the September engAGED Webinar and Webinar Recording (engAGED)
Staying Connected While Staying Apart: Intergenerational Programs & the COVID-19 Pandemic (Generations United)
Connecting Generations in Senior Housing: A Program Implementation Toolkit (Generations United)
Because We’re Stronger Together: Intergenerational Programs Engaging Youth in Service to Older Adults (Generations United)
All in Together: Creating Places Where Young and Old Thrive (Generations United)
Stay Active Through Intergenerational Connections (engAGED)
New Intergenerational Resources (Generations United)
Intergenerational Programs and Physical Distancing Guide (Generations United)
Intergenerational Programs: Engaging Older and Younger People Together (Generations United)
Sharing Our Spaces: A Toolkit for Developing and Enhancing Intergenerational Shared Sites (Generations United)
Engaged and Thriving: Promoting Social and Intergenerational Connectedness (RRF Foundation for Aging)
Developing Engagement Opportunities Between Generations: Takeaways from the June engAGED Webinar and Webinar Recording (engAGED)
Evidence-Based and Promising Practices Promote Successful Intergenerational Service Delivery (Commit to Connect)
Library Creates Community for Older Residents (Next Avenue)
Keys to Engaging Older Adults (American Library Association)
Older Adults and Reading (American Library Association)
Guidelines for Library Services with 60+ Audiences: Best Practices (American Library Association)
More Than Books: Libraries As Hubs for Social Connection (engAGED)
The New Frontier: How Libraries Serve Older Audiences (Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging and American Library Association)
Webinar Recording: Lifelong Learning, Social Connectedness and Elderhood (Virginia AIRS)
National Directory of Lifelong Learning Institutes (National Resource Center for Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes)
Map of Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes Network (National Resource Center for Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes)
Stay Active Through Lifelong Learning (engAGED)
Providing Unique Lifelong Learning Opportunities During COVID-19 (engAGED)
Living with the Times: A Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Toolkit for Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Inter-Agency Standing Committee)
Reducing Loneliness and Social Isolation among Older Adults (Suicide Prevention Resource Center)
Boosters for Joy: A Guide on Ways to Connect (AARP and the Global Council on Brain Health)
Staying OK: Tips for Supporting Your Social Connections and Emotional Wellness (engAGED and Eldercare Locator)
Community Supports for Rural Aging in Place and Independent Living (Rural Health Information/RHIhub)
Toolkit for Operating a Rural Transportation Voucher Program (University of Montana Rural Institute RTC) Addressing Social Isolation in Rural America (engAGED)
engAGED and Commit to Connect Virtual Summit 2023 Day 1 Panel (engAGED and Commit to Connect) Bringing Together Young and Old To Ease The Isolation Of Rural Life (NPR)
Approaching the Issue of Rural Social Isolation (National Rural Health Association)
Social Isolation and Loneliness Among Rural and Urban People with Disabilities (University of Montana Rural Institute RTC)
Intergeneration and Tech Shared Spaces (Senior Housing News)
Virtual Reality MIT Project Brings Innovative Form of Engagement (MIT News)
Stay Connected Through Technology (engAGED)
Senior Planet — Older Adults Technology Services' flagship content site for older adults
Your Guide to Helping Older People Use the Internet (Good Things Foundation and the Centre for Ageing Better)
Fighting Social Isolation: A View from the Trenches (OATS)
Aging Connected (OATS and the Humana Foundation)
Affordable Connectivity Program (FCC and Universal Service Administrative Co.)
Older Adult Learning and Technology: Best Practices and Resources (engAGED)
Guidelines for delivering telewellness programs to older adults with disabilities (TechSAge)
Tapping into Technology to Stay Connected and Engaged (engAGED)
Bridging the Digital Divide to Increase Social Engagement: Takeaways from the April engAGED Webinar and Webinar Recording (engAGED)
Implementing and Expanding Virtual Programming For Older Adults: Tips and Practical Strategies For Aging Network Organizations (engAGED and OATS)
Transportation and Social Isolation (National Aging and Disability Transportation Center)
The Impact of COVID-19 on Transportation Access and Social Isolation (National Aging and Disability Transportation Center)
Mobile and Socially Connected: engAGEment Fostered by Transportation Access (engAGED)
Transportation and Social Engagement: Takeaways from the September engAGED Office Hours (engAGED)
Health Benefits of Volunteering Toolkit (USAging)
Volunteer Engagement in the Aging Network — USAging University Course (USAging members only)
Stay Active Through Volunteering (engAGED)
Health Benefits of Volunteering Toolkit (USAging)
National Volunteer Week Toolkit (USAging)
Volunteer Engagement Toolkits (USAging)
Volunteer Engagement Case Studies and Replication Guides (USAging)
Value of Volunteer Time (Independent Sector)
SHIP and SMP Volunteer Engagement During COVID-19 (engAGED)
Developing Volunteer Opportunities to Help Older Adults Stay Engaged: Takeaways from the January engAGED Webinar and Webinar Recording (engAGED)
The Role and Value of Volunteers in Home- and Community-Based and Long-Term Care Programs for Older Adults (ACL)
Social Isolation and Loneliness Outreach Toolkit (NIA)
Health Effects of Social Isolation and Loneliness (CDC)
Commit to Connect (USAging)
Commit to Connect Activities and Resources (ACL)
Eldercare Locator (USAging)
Addressing Socialization Isolation for Older Adults During the COVID-19 Crisis (ADvancing States)
Community Awareness Toolkit (engAGED)
Being Isolated Can Put Older Adults at Risk for Medicare Fraud (SMP National Resource Center)
Promoting Social Engagement in Senior Centers: Local Examples and Looking Ahead (engAGED)
The Aging Network Combats Social Isolation (USAging and engAGED)
Maintaining Social Connections As We Age (USAging)