Engaging Older Adults Through Virtual Communities features the Jefferson Area Board for Aging’s (JABA) At Home with JABA program, which was developed during the pandemic. It also highlights how AgeOptions is engaging LGBTQ+ older adults through virtual meetings.
This video was developed by USAging as part of the Information and Planning Initiative, supported by the Administration for Community Living.
Phone Calls and Mail to Stay Connected highlights how the Greene County Area Agency on Aging engages volunteers through local Rotary clubs to call older adults. The Samish Indian Nation developed an intergenerational program in which elders and children exchange letters and crafts through the tribe’s meal delivery service.
This video was developed by USAging as part of the Information and Planning Initiative, supported by the Administration for Community Living.
engAGED developed the Community Awareness Toolkit to assist the Aging Network and partner organizations with increasing community awareness of the importance of social engagement—and to support organizations as they work to address it. Watch this video to learn more about each Toolkit component.
Maintaining Social Connections As We Age features data from an April 2021 USAging topical poll, short clips from the Pinal-Gila Council for Senior Citizens’ Arts n’ Meals program and provides an overview of Aging Network resources and social engagement innovations—and can be used by your agency to promote the benefits of social engagement in your community.
This video was developed by USAging as part of the Information and Planning Initiative, supported by the Administration for Community Living.
Getting Creative Through Arts Programs During COVID-19 and Beyond highlights how the Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens in Cedar Bluff, VA and the Pinal-Gila Council for Senior Citizens in Casa Grande, AZ provide social engagement opportunities through a variety of arts-based activities and programs. Both agencies adapted their arts programs in response to COVID-19 to address the increased social isolation of older adults.
This video was developed by USAging as part of the Information and Planning Initiative, supported by the Administration for Community Living.
This video provides an overview of the Innovations Hub, which contains summaries of more than 40 social engagement programs to facilitate the sharing and replication of best and promising social engagement programs designed for older adults, people with disabilities and caregivers.
Developed by engAGED, this video features interviews, pictures and short clips from Aging Network organizations that have successfully adapted their in-person programs in response to COVID-19 to meet the needs of a remote audience and ensure older adults remain connected to the community.
Developed by engAGED, this video vignette highlights how the Baltimore County Department of Aging in Towson, MD began offering virtual senior center programming to help older adults stay engaged at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Developed by engAGED, this video vignette highlights how the Cowlitz Indian Tribe Title VI program in Toledo, WA has continued to offer social engagement opportunities for older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Developed by engAGED, this video vignette highlights how the Area Agency on Aging of Dane County in Madison, WI adapted its My Meal–My Way program to continue to offer meals and social engagement opportunities for older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Social isolation impacts older adults and people with disabilities in profound ways. It can lead to an increase in physical and mental health issues, and impact an individuals quality of life and sense of independence. Social isolation can happen anywhere but is an especially big issue in rural and suburban areas with limited or no public transportation services.
This video was developed by our partners at the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC).