Creative Approaches for Social Engagement and Connection When Developing Programming for Hispanic and Latino Older Adults and Caregivers: Takeaways from the May engAGED Webinar

When developing programs and services for Hispanic and Latino older adults, it is important to keep in mind key characteristics of these populations. This blog post highlights key takeaways from the May engAGED webinar about creative approaches for social engagement and connection among Hispanic and Latino older adults and caregivers.

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Ali Fehlhaber
Bridging The Digital Divide to Increase Social Engagement: Takeaways from the April engAGED Webinar

Taking steps to bridge the digital divide helps ensure older adults have access to affordable internet, device options and skills they can use to access additional social engagement opportunities. This blog post highlights key takeaways from the April engAGED webinar to help the Aging Network connect older adults to affordable broadband to help them take part in virtual social engagement opportunities.

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Ali Fehlhaber
Collaborating with Faith Communities on Social Engagement: Takeaways from the March engAGED Webinar

Faith communities can be a trusted source of information and are uniquely positioned to engage older adults and caregivers, a practice that enhances the well-being of both older adults and their communities. This blog post highlights key takeaways from the March engAGED webinar to help the Aging Network and faith-based communities work together to create opportunities for social engagement.

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Rebecca Levine
Partnering with Parks and Recreation Agencies on Social Engagement: Takeaways from the February engAGED Webinar

Park and recreation agencies provide recreation opportunities for individuals across the country—and can serve as an important partner for organizations developing social engagement programs for older adults. This blog post highlights key takeaways from the February engAGED webinar to highlight collaborative ways in which the Aging Network and local park and recreation agencies can create opportunities for social engagement.

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Rebecca Levine
Developing Volunteer Opportunities to Help Older Adults Stay Engaged: Takeaways from the January engAGED Webinar

Volunteering provides older adults with a way to expand their social circles, strengthen ties to their communities, contribute skills and time to support others, connect with peers—and improve their health. This blog post highlights key takeaways from the January engAGED webinar to help Aging Network and partner organizations develop volunteer opportunities for older adults.

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Rebecca Levine
Reflecting on 2021: Resources to Support Your Social Engagement Work in 2022

In 2021, engAGED continued and expanded our work of supporting the Aging Network and other partner organizations as they develop programs that help consumers get and stay connected to their communities. As your organization sets its 2022 goals, we want to share a few highlights of resources we developed in 2021 that can help you enhance, expand or implement social engagement programs in the new year.

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Rebecca Levine
Intergenerational Programs: Engaging Older and Younger People Together

September’s engAGED blog post, written by Generations United, a member of the engAGED Project Advisory Committee, describes intergenerational programs, how they foster social engagement and the benefits they offer to people of all ages. The post highlights how programs across the country have successfully adapted their programming for continuity throughout the pandemic and includes several resources to help your organization expand or develop intergenerational programming, including intergenerational shared sites.

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Darya Rahbar
What Community-Based Organizations Can Learn About Combating Isolation from Centers for Independent Living and Leading Advocates

Written by an engAGED Project Advisory Committee member, Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU) & the National Center for Aging and Disability at TIRR Memorial Hermann Research Center, this blog post focuses on the serious isolation experienced by individuals with disabilities and how Centers for Independent Living have adapted to continue providing meaningful interactions and core services.

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Darya Rahbar
Harnessing the Power of Technology to Boost Social EngAGEment—and Physical and Mental Health

Providing opportunities for older adults to develop and expand their technology knowledge and skills helps to support social engagement. This engAGED blog, written by the Older Adults Technology Services—a member of the engAGED Project Advisory Committee—speaks to the importance of harnessing the power of technology to facilitate and strengthen social engagement.

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Darya Rahbar
Being Isolated Can Put Older Adults at Risk for Medicare Fraud

Being socially isolated puts people at more risk of being defrauded. The July engAGED blog, written by the Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) National Resource Center—a member of the engAGED Project Advisory Committee—provides insight into how social isolation can put older adults at risk for Medicare fraud and highlights some of the serious consequences of identity theft.

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Darya Rahbar
Check It Out: ACL and AmeriCorps Recognize Older Adults for their Contributions

Older Americans Month (OAM) honors older adults every May. To commemorate the 2021 OAM theme Communities of Strength, which celebrates the critical role older adults play in helping to build strong communities, engAGED is featuring a blog from the Administration for Community Living and AmeriCorps that salutes older adults for their contributions and service in their communities over the past year.

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Darya Rahbar
The New Frontier: How Libraries Serve Older Audiences

To commemorate National Library Week, engAGED invited Fatima Perkins, Vice Chair, Reference Services Section-RUSA, American Library Association and Director, Community Outreach & Advocacy, Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging to write a blog post highlighting how the Aging Network can work with libraries to support the social engagement of older adults.

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Darya Rahbar